(233) 24 615 0749 / (233) 24 443 2375 info@globalsuccessgh.com

Logistics & Transport

Ensure safety and reliability, and meet stringent transportation regulations, standards and legislation. Our broad range of specialised transportation services help your operations to run more safely and effectively.


By land, sea or air, the transportation industry is subject to a wide range of strict regulations, standards and legislation. Whether you are an automotive company, rail or marine services provider, or involved in any aspect of component manufacturing or the transport supply chain, you must continually meet the highest levels of safety and reliability.

We offer you a broad range of specialised transportation services to help your operations run safely and efficiently. We create confidence in the delivery of services, and help you understand and manage the risks of complex value chains.

As a leading provider of services to the transportation industry, we provide unrivalled experience, supporting governments, manufacturers, traders, financial institutions and insurance companies across the world. With a global network of offices, laboratories and vehicle testing centres throughout the world, we offer you a truly unique, independent service – wherever you are.

Our broad range of services:

  • Ensures the effectiveness and safety of your marine supply and logistics chain
  • Supports rail operations throughout the supply chain
  • Manages your automotive supply chain, ensuring safe and reliable vehicles, improved quality, efficiency and safety, and reduced environmental impact

Ensure safety and reliability

Manage your supply chain

Meet all standards and regulatory requirements

Improve quality, efficiency and safety

Reduce environmental impact

Our road transportation services include:

  • Rail and road terminal manning
  • Rail car cleanliness inspection
  • Logistics support
  • Weighbridge management
  • Transit monitoring
  • Tracking (cargo)

Land Transportation

The experience of our road transportation and logistic support teams provides you with the assurance that your cargo is handled with due care and that your logistics chain is supporting best practice requirements. Trusting in our expertise allows you to get on with the other important parts of your role, safe in the knowledge that your road operations are in good hands.

We provide seamless integration of sea operations that can deliver any kind of odd size cargo to any location in the world due to our extensive global network of affiliates and close relations with major carriers.


Sea Transport

The marine industry is subject to a range of standards, regulations and logistical complexities. As a result, we offer a range of marine services to support your decision making on crucial plant and terminal operations (PTO), helping improve your business strategy for imports and exports. The expert advice of our experienced marine transportation teams allows you to focus on the key elements of your core business, while we investigate your marine operations. Our marine services:

  • Ensure smoother operations by bringing cargo quantity and quality, PTO, and the loading and discharge of cargo under our scrutiny
  • Support your regulatory compliance through assessments, reports and certificates
  • Manage your cargo information and documentation
  • Ensure that your marine operations are run to best practice standards and that your cargo is handled with due care

Our marine transportation services include:

  • Cargo and vessel services
  • Marine services
  • PTO
  • Crane inspections and inspections of hoisting and lifting equipment
  • Advance cargo information
  • Import control services
  • International customs data exchange

Air Freight

Transporting your imports and exports safely and efficiently requires specialist knowledge. At Global Success Ghana. We have an experienced and qualified team at your disposal. Count on us to handle your international cargo shipping project with highest levels of professionalism and proficiency. Depending on the type of goods and the urgency of your needs, we also provide international shipping. Cargo can be consolidated or consigned as express packages on direct flights.


What People Are Saying

"Some people talk about it for a living, Global Success Ghana Limited does it for a living. Their service is always personal and prompt.”

Thornton Reed


"GSGL staff has provided us with the necessary information and knowledge to hedge our natural gas supplies on the open market for over 10 years.  Their expertise has permitted us to minimize the market risk involved in buying natural gas."

Theresa Reeves

East Resources Inc.

"I have dealt with GSGL for many years and have had no problems in the past with this company. They are very pleasant to deal with and always take the time to make sure things are done right. ” 

Mark Sandberg


"Service from Global Succes Ghana Limited has been very good, they have supplied personnel at very short notice, we will definitely be using Global Success Ghana Limited as our first choice for personnel."

Joe Steve


Let's Get Started

We are always happy to assist you with your projects.